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DasCode admin template is built using Webpack. Webpack is nicely documented to start. You don't need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel. Vite is a new breed of frontend build tooling that significantly improves the frontend development experience.


How do I check my node version?

Run below command in your terminal:

node -v

Make sure output version is LTS version.

How do I check my npm version?

Run below command in your terminal:

npm -v

Make sure output version is LTS version.


Yarn package manager is recommended

Step. 1: Getting started

  1. Download our DashCode - Admin Dashboard Template from your ThemeForest account.

  2. After downloading zip from ThemeForest, select the version that you want to work with. Unzip your selected version in your desired location.

  3. Open this folder in console / terminal

  4. Run below commands:

    # It will install all packages
    yarn install
    # It will start the development server
    yarn dev


    If you are using an older node version and getting errors while installing the app then run the command "yarn install --ignore-engines" command instead of "yarn install"

  5. Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser


If you have any issues regarding installation please follow our guide on getting support for our product.

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