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Understanding template layouts will help you create a page with your desired layout.

Default Layout

The default layout is the layout for all pages which do not require authentication. It is a simple layout that does not include any header, footer, and sidebar.



App Layout

The app layout is the default layout for all pages which are inside the dashboard. It is a simple layout that includes a header, footer, sidebar, and customizer.


  <main class="app-wrapper">
    <Header :class="window.width > 1280 ? switchHeaderClass() : ''" />
    <!-- end header -->

        this.$store.state.menuLayout === 'vertical' &&
        this.$store.state.sidebarHidden === false &&
        window.width > 1280
    <!-- main sidebar end -->
    <Transition name="mobilemenu">
        v-if="window.width < 1280 && this.$store.state.mobielSidebar"
    <Transition name="overlay-fade">
        v-if="window.width < 1280 && this.$store.state.mobielSidebar"
        class="overlay bg-black bg-opacity-70 backdrop-filter backdrop-blur-[3px] backdrop-brightness-10 fixed inset-0 z-[999]"
        @click="this.$store.state.mobielSidebar = false"
    <!-- mobile sidebar -->
    <Settings />

      class="content-wrapper transition-all duration-150"
      :class="window.width > 1280 ? switchHeaderClass() : ''"
        :class="this.$route.meta.appheight ? 'h-full' : 'md:min-h-screen'"
          :class="` transition-all duration-150 ${
            this.$store.state.cWidth === 'boxed'
              ? 'container mx-auto'
              : 'container-fluid'
          <Breadcrumbs v-if="!this.$route.meta.hide" />
          <router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
            <transition name="router-animation" mode="out-in" appear>
              <component :is="Component"></component>
    <!-- end page content -->
    <Footer :class="window.width > 1280 ? switchHeaderClass() : ''" />

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